interim management consultancy for UK Higher Education
Vacancy cover, strategic change management support, and consultancy projects
across academic and professional service areas
What you’re looking for
You might be looking for some time-limited support, whether it’s to manage post-Covid-19 new ways of working, to plan a change project, or simply to provide an extra pair of experienced hands at a busy time. Interim consultancy can save you the time and expense of hiring staff, permanent or fixed-term, full or part-time. Get in touch today to see how we can meet your needs.
Why a professional interim?
Professional interims are experienced in working in a variety of different Higher Education Institutions so have seen many problems (and many different solutions) before. They are also skilled in ‘hitting the ground running’, as it is essential in every assignment they do. Call us to discuss how a professional interim can help you with your requirements.
Why me?
In over twenty years in Higher Education I have worked in a wide range of Professional Services roles, including learning and teaching, academic development, estates and facilities, academic registry and planning. I am an experienced strategic change consultant and have provided vacancy cover for CEO, Dean, and Registrar roles, as well as Director-level roles in strategic planning and operations.

Vacancy cover
Whether it’s a fixed-term vacancy such as maternity cover, or if you are awaiting recruitment to a permanent post, I can help you cover the ‘business as usual’ which doesn’t stop in student and academic services.
Strategic Change
If you’re considering a professional services restructure, an academic portfolio review or a faculty management review, I can help in the design and planning of your change management project, or work with you to implement a plan you already have in place.

I am available for consultancy projects, specialising in academic and student-facing services, including strategic planning, performance, student records, assessment and timetabling. If you need help on systems, processes and outputs, get in touch.
“Mark was appointed as Dean and Chief Executive of this Institute on an interim basis. He served for 9 months and proved an excellent appointment. His experience is such that he has a detailed knowledge of the full range of responsibilities required at high academic management level and he performed them well. He is unafraid of identifying and dealing with difficult issues as they arise. He is collaborative and proved an excellent team builder. He was a very good colleague and I very enjoyed the collegiate manner in which he approached his role. Any academic institution would be well served by him in the most senior role.”
“Mark approached his work with energy and good humour. He is able to draw on his wide ranging experience within HE to provide valuable insight. There were a number of challenges which meant that Mark needed to adapt, and in so doing he was able to help us arrive at an innovative path forwards which will support the delivery of our strategy.”
Contact me to discuss how I can help your University
Call today to talk through how I could help with vacancy cover, strategic change management support, or on individual consultancy projects.